Matthew 11:28 "Jesus said, Come unto me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest."
The Ministry of Jesus for Little Kids
map shows you key places in Israel where Jesus went during his lifetime!
Jesus was born in Bethlehem but moved quickly to Egypt as a very little boy
to be safe from the bad king Herod. When it was safe, an angel told his
family to move back to Israel, and Jesus grew up in the town of Nazareth.
The Bible tells us that all of these things had to happen for Jesus to be
the Son of God, and they did!
Jesus was about 30 years old when he went to the Jordan River to be baptized
by John the Baptist. Most people get baptized to show that they are going to
stop doing bad things and instead turn to God. But Jesus never sinned! He
got baptized because he knew at that moment he would show the world that he
is living for God. The Bible says that after Jesus was baptized, God's voice
came from Heaven and a dove landed on him. God said, "This is my dearly
loved Son, who brings me great joy."
From that point on, Jesus would choose his disciples, teach God's word to
thousands of people, and do many miracles in the land of Israel.
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The Ministry of Jesus for Big Kids
Christ and Bible History. All throughout the Old Testament God spoke
about the coming Messiah. The message was loud and clear that this Messiah
would be a great man, perform mighty miracles, would die as a lamb, and rise
from the dead. The great mystery in the Old Testament was that the Messiah
would come again a second time to rule as King upon the earth. This mystery
brought much confusion, but when Jesus came He revealed God's true plan,
that "if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto myself." History is truly
His-Story, and everything points to the great event of the coming of Jesus
Christ. Jesus came and did good, He taught that God loves all people, and He
came completely dedicated to serving others. He was the suffering servant
who did not come to save His own life but to lay it down as a ransom for
many. Before He left this world He commissioned His disciples to go into all
the world and preach the gospel, the good news about Jesus Christ. He stood
on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem and ascended into heaven. He promised
that He will come again to set up an everlasting kingdom which will never
pass away.
Follow the Map
1. Judaea - Jesus came to the Jordan River to be baptized by John the Baptist. He then went into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After his victory over the devil he gathered a couple disciples and journeyed way to the north to the land of Galilee.
2. Galilee - Jesus came to the region of Galilee and began to minister and gather more disciples. He came to the wedding at Cana and turn the water into wine. He taught many and performed many miracles. Then He went down to Jerusalem for the Passover.
3. Judaea - Jesus came to Jerusalem for the Passover with his disciples and he ministered there. Nicodemus came to hear Jesus teach and approached him later in the evening. Jesus taught Nicodemus what it meant to be born again and God's plan to save the world. Jesus left the region of Judea and headed north toward Galilee again.
4. Samaria - On Jesus' way back to the region of Galilee, He went through Samaria which was not the traditional journey to the north. Normally travelers from Jerusalem would cross the other side of the Jordan River and head north and come back into Israel, and this way they would avoid Samaria.
5. Galilee - Jesus arrived again in the region of Galilee where He ministered in all the cities around Galilee and also the Sea of Galilee. He taught the multitudes, perform miracles, healed the sick, and loved people.
6. Judaea - Jesus came again to Jerusalem with his disciples for the Passover and taught the multitudes at the Temple.
7. Galilee - Jesus and his disciples came back to the land of Galilee Jesus did mighty works there in the various cities and everyone flocked to Him. Jesus knew that this would be His last time to minister in the region of Galilee and the surrounding cities. He journeyed to the region of Tyre and Sidon with His disciples, and then to the area of Bethsaida of the Sea of Galilee. Then he journeyed north with His disciples to the city of Caesarea Philippi where He revealed to them who He truly was. He also told them that through them He was going to build His church, which would start with His disciples. He told them of his death and resurrection, and afterword He would empower them to continue His message and ministry and change the world.
8. Judaea - Jesus left Galilee and journey for Jerusalem knowing that it meant His death. The Jewish leaders dared him to show His face in Jerusalem, but this did not scare Jesus. On his way he raised a man named Lazarus from the dead. Then he entered Jerusalem on a donkey in fulfillment of the prophecy of the Messiah in Zechariah 9:9. Jesus then ministered in the temple area and taught the multitudes. He also overturned the tables of the money changers again. He had his last supper with his disciples and took communion with them. After that he went to the garden of Gethsemane and prayed. That night he was betrayed by one of his disciples Judas Iscariot. Jesus was arrested and tried by the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate. Pilot did not want to crucify Jesus but was forced to by the Jewish leaders who had great power and wealth. Jesus was brought outside the city of Jerusalem to Golgotha also referred to as Calvary, and He was crucified. He prayed for God to forgive them and then he died. A man named Joseph took the body of Jesus and buried it in the tomb. Three days later on the third morning Jesus rose again.
Jesus. Once Jesus was baptized he went into the wilderness and showed the devil his authority. He began ministering in the northern parts of Israel in the region of Galilee. He visited Jerusalem several times for Passover and the last time the Jewish leaders were envious of him and planned his death. Jesus raised his friend Lazarus from the dead and then rode into Jerusalem on a donkey in fulfillment of the prophecy and then was murdered in Jerusalem on a Roman cross. He wept over the land and promised that the city would be buried, which it was in 70 A.D. The Romans came and struck the land and the legions of Titus destroyed the temple and slaughtered a large number of Jews. The rest were brought to Rome as prisoners of war, as seen in historical triumph arch of Titus in Rome today.
Israel. The land of Israel was not an independent territory but a province of the Roman Empire. Herod was determined to administrate Rome's wishes in every part of the land of Israel. He worked closely with the Roman procurator of Syria and established Roman districts within the territory. Herod built his palace in Jerusalem and he began beautifying every part of the city. Jerusalem became an architectural marvel, and the whole world was in awe of Herod's Jerusalem. The western portion of the holy land was divided into Judea, Samaria, and Galilee. The eastern region beyond the Jordan bore the Greek name Perea which means "beyond."
Political Boundaries. Herod set up political boundaries at the end of his life. To his son Archelaus he assigned Idumaea, Judea, and Samaria but he became wicked in the land and the Roman government banished him when Pontius Pilate became procurator of the new imperial province of Judea. Herod's son Antipas was given Tetrarchy of upper and lower Galilee, the district of Perea, which was formerly the land of Gilead and Bashan. Philip, who was brother of Herod Antipas, was given Tetrarchy of Itrurea and Trachonitis, the country around Hermon, the stony Argob, and the fertile Hauran. Abilene was a district of anti-Lebanon. These political divisions of the holy land existed during the public ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.
John the Baptist. The man chosen to be the messenger and the forerunner of the Messiah was known in the Bible as John the Baptist. His parents were Zacharias and Elizabeth, and they were both descendents of Aaron the original high priest of Israel and brother of Moses. At 30 years of age John came preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, and during his ministry Jesus came to be baptized by John and then began His public ministry. John the Baptist said about Jesus "Behold the lamb of God who take upon Himself the sins of the world."
Jerusalem. Herod the great may Jerusalem into one of
the wonders of the world. The Temple in Jerusalem was magnificent in the city
was filled with architectural marvels. It is very important in the study the
Bible to have a good understanding of first century Jerusalem.
Galilee. The region of Galilee in the north is the area that was allotted
to the tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali. these two tribes of Israel were the first
to fall by the Assyrians, yet in Isaiah 9:1-2 the Lord promised that the light
would dawn in this area when the Messiah came. Jesus dwelt in Nazareth and began
his ministry there, and this was an offense to the Jews in Jerusalem who
believed that nothing good could come from this area. Galilee was considered a
heathen area of the land of Israel. Yet the prophets of the Old Testament
continually predicted that the Messiah would not only come from Galilee, but
that he would minister to the Gentiles (non-Jews). This was always God's plan,
that the Jews would be the chosen people to minister the word of God to the
Gentiles, yet they would not and therefore God sent his son to begin a fire that
spread throughout the whole entire world.
Caesarea Philippi. Just before Jesus went to Jerusalem for the last time, he brought his disciples far to the north to Caesarea Philippi to reveal to them who he was. This was a place where there was a Greek shrine to the Greek god Pan. There were many mystical beliefs around this place, including the fact that it was believed by the Greeks that this was the very entrance to Hades and the bottomless pit. When they arrived there Jesus told his disciples that he was going to build his church, and the gates of Hades would not prevail against it. He asked them who they thought he was, and he finally revealed that he indeed was the Messiah. After this he set his face to go to Jerusalem to complete his mission. Afterwards it was up to them to continue what he started, by waiting on God to fulfill his promises and empower them to go into all the world.
Luke 19:42 - "and Jesus said to Israel,
If you had known, even you, at least in this your day, the things which belong
unto your peace! but now they are hid from your eyes."
Luke 24:44-49 - "He said to them,"This is what I told you,
while I was still with you, that all things which are written in the law of
Moses, the prophets, and the psalms, concerning me must be fulfilled." Then he
opened their minds, that they might understand the Scriptures. He said to
them,"Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and
to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins
should be preached in his name to all the nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You
are witnesses of these things. Behold, I send out the promise of my Father on
you. But wait in the city of Jerusalem until you are clothed with power from on
The study of the life and ministry of Jesus is very important in the study of the Bible, let's pray:
Dear Jesus, thank you for the Bible, and for all of your promises. All of your predictions came true exactly as you originally spoke them through your prophets. You yourself came to the world and humbled yourself as a servant to all men. You taught us that no servant is greater than his master, and that if you served we also ought to serve. Help us Lord to serve and to realize our great calling, we love you. In Jesus name... Amen!
Map of the Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ for Bible Study.
The Geography of the Bible
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