Genesis 15:18 "On the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying: "To your descendants I have given this land, from the River of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates..."
Map of the Kingdom of David. This map reveals the territory that was conquered by King David after he was given the throne around 1000 BC. David's kingdom extended to the north above the Sea of Galilee, across the Jordan River and southward below the Dead Sea. He was a mighty king but his sin with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband caused political turmoil during the latter part of his reign. His own son Absalom and his trusted friend Ahithophel turned against him.
David and his Kingdom for Little Kids
map shows the entire kingdom of Israel when David was king!
Before David was king, he was a young shepherd boy from Bethlehem that had
great faith in the Lord. God used David to defeat the Philistine giant named
Goliath, with only a sling and a stone! Saul, the king before David, became
very jealous because he knew that God was protecting David and that all of
Israel loved him.
When Saul died, David was crowned king of Israel, and his kingdom would grow
to be more than two times as big! David first conquered the city of
Jerusalem, and then he took over all of the land east of the Jordan River
within the dotted blue lines on the map.
King David was known for being a strong warrior and mighty leader, but he
also made many sinful mistakes. Even though David sinned, God still
described him as a man after God's own heart and used him in great and
powerful ways.
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David and his Kingdom for Big Kids
Saul was the first king of Israel, but it was David who was the rightful King
and God's chosen. David was originally a shepherd from Bethlehem, he was skilled
in music, and he had amazing faith in the Lord. God called David a man after his
own heart. David slew the Philistine giant Goliath, and he gained great fame in
the land. King Saul grew very jealous and hunted David down like a "partridge
over the hills." For 20 years David hid in the wilderness from King Saul, and he
gathered an army from the outcasts of Israel.
David's Kingdom. David finally became king and unified Israel, he conquered Jerusalem and made it his capital around 1000 BC. Throughout David's reign he conquered all the surrounding enemies one by one until the boundaries of Israel stretched from the Euphrates River in the north to the River of Egypt in the south.
The Philistines. The Philistines were always determined to dominate the country of Israel, yet when David became king he drove them out. He won two mighty battles, and they were reduced to a minor power and no longer a threat.
The Phoenicians. David had long since been friends with the Phoenicians and had made a treaty with Hiram, king of Tyre, who he had received materials and labor for his palace. This brought peace between them and there were never any wars between David and Phoenicia.
The Tributary Nations. There were certain nations that David allowed to remain in to have their own king, but they were required to pay taxes to Israel. These were called vassal or tributary nations. Nations like Edom in the South, Hamath in the North, and Moab in the East.
King David... Good and Bad. David was Israel's greatest
and truly ideal king. He was a great warrior and a man who loved God. He brought
great peace and prosperity to the land. But David also had his weaknesses. He
took many wives, like other kings, and this was forbidden by God. He even
arranged the murder of one of his soldiers so that he could marry the man's wife
who he had already seduced. David was a great sinner, but he was also very
remorseful and repentant. David also took a census (headcount) of his army,
showing a lack of trust in God. God punished David and Israel for his sins. The
good qualities found in David are a picture of Christ who would be a descendant
of David.
David's Last Words. As David, in his old age, looked back on his life and
pondered on how God had delivered him from all of his enemies he sang:
2 Sam 22:4 "I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be
praised; so shall I be saved from my enemies."
2 Sam 23:1-2 "Now these are the last words of David. Thus says David the son of
Jesse; thus says the man raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob,
and the sweet psalmist of Israel: "The Spirit of the LORD spoke by me, and His
word was on my tongue. . ."
The study of David is very important in the study of the Bible, let's pray:
Dear Jesus, thank you for David, his fearlessness and courage is truly a testimony for all believers. Thank you Lord for revealing also David's weaknesses and sins, your Word says that he was "a man after your own heart" and this is truly an encouragement. Thank you for the Bible and thank you for David. In Jesus name... Amen!
Map of the Kingdom of David for Bible Study
The Geography of the Bible
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