The Unseen Soldier

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 17:8-15 TO CHEW ON: "So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered, and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill. As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning." Exodus 17:10,11 As the dust clouds on the horizon got bigger, word spread through the camp: “Someone is coming!” Soon the Israelites could make out galloping camels and on their backs, desert nomads. It was the Amalekites. Did they come in peace or war? Before the men could get organized, the raiders reached the camp and attacked. The Bible doesn’t tell us if the Amalekites came to kill people or to steal the stuff. But we do know that soon after this attack, Moses told Joshua to pick some men and go after those quarrelsome Amalekites. While the men fought, Moses stood on a hill above the battle, watching and raising his hands as a prayer for God’s help. Soon he noticed an interesting thing. As long as his arms were up, the Israelites were winning. But as soon as his arms got tired and he put them down, the Amalekites were winning. "Moses on...

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Tags: trust problems prayer Moses God’s help Exodus

The Money God

TODAY’S SPECIAL: I Timothy 6:6-10 TO CHEW ON: "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." I Timothy 6:10a How do you feel about money? Do you have any? How much? Do you earn money regularly? When you get it, what do you do with it? Spend it all? Save it all? Spend and save both? It’s hard to imagine a world with no money in it. Getting money for a job we’ve done shows us our work is worthwhile. We use money to buy many things we need like food, clothes, a house, and a car. Money is not a bad thing. But when we love money, when we feel we always need more and think being rich is the most important thing in the world, we are on a dangerous path. Very quickly money can become more important than God. It can become something we worship like a god. PRAYER: Dear God, help me never to love money more than You. Help me to spend my money wisely and be content with what I have. Amen....

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Tags: worship Saul/Paul money consequences choices 1 Timothy

The Enemy

TODAY’S SPECIAL:2 Thessalonians 2:7-12 TO CHEW ON: And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. 2 Thessalonians 2:8 The Bible is a story of a fight. The fight is between light and darkness, love and hate, obedience and rebellion, good and evil, God and Satan. This fight began in the Garden of Eden when Satan, in the form of a snake, tempted Eve. He persuaded her to listen to him and eat fruit from the tree God had plainly forbidden. Sin (any act that defies God and sides with Satan) came into the world. "The Fall" by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, 1907 Through history, God has done many things to fight Satan. He chose the Jews, gave them His laws, and commanded them to make sacrifices for sins. Then He sent His son Jesus, born of a Jewish mother, who became the final sacrifice for sin. Now we have the Holy Spirit who helps us resist Satan’s temptations and live for God. The final showdown between God and Satan is still to come (although because Jesus rose from the dead, we know Satan’s power is...

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Tags: Saul/Paul Satan salvation love God’s plan death consequences 2 Thessalonians

The Encourager

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Acts 11:19-26 TO CHEW ON: "Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch." Acts 11:25, 26a - You studied hard but still didn’t do well on the test.- You’d like to join the badminton club but you don’t know any of the kids.- It’s youth night at church, but the friend with whom you usually go is out of town. Q: What do you need in each of these situations? A: An encourager, like Barnabas. Barnabas was a well-known and respected leader in the early church. When Jesus’ followers were scattered because of persecution, he stayed at headquarters in Jerusalem. But then news came that everywhere Jesus’ followers had moved, people were believing in Jesus. The leaders sent Barnabas to check things out. When he came to Antioch he saw God was blessing Jewish people and Greeks as well. He encouraged these new followers of Jesus. Then he went to Tarsus to look for another new Christian named Saul. When he found Saul, he brought him to Antioch and put him to work, teaching the new believers. Because of Barnabas’s encouragement the church in Antioch loved Gentile Christians and accepted Saul instead of being afraid...

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Tags: Saul/Paul hope discouragement courage Acts

The Call

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Isaiah 6:1-10 TO CHEW ON: "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?'And I said, 'Here am I. Send me.'” Isaiah 6:8 God sat on a high throne. The train of his majestic robe was more glorious than any bride’s. It filled the temple. Angels were all around. Some flew back and forth calling “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty. The whole earth is filled with his glory.” At the sound, the temple pillars shook and the temple was filled with smoke. These are things Isaiah saw in a vision. He would never forget what happened next. As he saw God’s glory and heard the angels, Isaiah suddenly felt like he wasn’t good enough to be there. “Woe is me,” he said, “for my mouth is dirty with bad words.” Then one of the angels came to him. He had a coal from the altar, and touched that coal to Isaiah’s lips. “God has taken away your guilt and sin,” he said. Then Isaiah heard God’s voice: “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” Without knowing what God would ask him to do, Isaiah replied, “Here am I,...

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Tags: visions temple sin research prophecy Judah Isaiah God’s plan forgiveness confession

The Big Twelve

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Matthew 10:1-10 TO CHEW ON: "He called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil spirits and to cure every kind of disease and sickness .... '...Freely you have received, freely give.'” - Jesus, Matthew 10:1,8 Would you say a “disciple” is:1. someone who is a big fan of a famous person?2. someone who accepts, follows, and imitates a teacher?3. someone who lives by a lot of rules? Though we don’t use the word “disciple” a lot nowadays, you probably know that when Jesus talked about disciples, He meant 2. - the people who accepted His teaching, wanted to spend time with Him, and become like Him. When Jesus began teaching and doing miracles, a lot of people wanted to be His disciples. One day, after He had spent the night praying (Luke 6:12), Jesus chose twelve men to be His closest friends, the twelve disciples. But Jesus expected these disciples to do more than just listen to His stories and watch His miracles. One day, after giving these men special authority, He gave them a job. They were to: (cross out the one thing He did NOT tell them) Matthew 10:9-101. Preach.2. Heal the sick.3. Raise...

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Tags: puzzle Matthew Jesus God’s plan

Thank-you Glory Cloud

TODAY’S SPECIAL: 2 Chronicles 5:1-14 TO CHEW ON: "Then the temple of the Lord was filled with the cloud, and the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the temple of God." 2 Chronicles 5:13b,14 At last the temple was finished. It was time to move the gold furniture and ark into their places. It was time to begin worshiping God in the temple. Solomon had kept his promise to his father. He had made the temple exactly like his dad had said. Now he wondered, would God be pleased with what he had done? Solomon announced a holiday festival to dedicate the temple. People came from all over the country to celebrate. Priests and Levites got themselves ready to move the furniture. On the big day crowds lined the street and watched as the Levites carried the ark and the gold altar, lamp stands, basins, and all the other furniture from the tent David had made, to the temple. When they arrived at the temple, they placed the ark in the gold-lined Holy Place. Then they put all the other furniture where it belonged. As the carrying Levites left the temple the musical Levites played...

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Tags: temple Solomon obedience God’s presence faith 2 Chronicles

Testing, testing

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Genesis 42:1-17 TO CHEW ON: “Joseph said to them, ‘It is just as I told you: You are spies! And this is how you will be tested: As surely as Pharaoh lives, you will not leave this place unless your youngest brother comes here.’” (Genesis 42: 14,15) Joseph was made a ruler in Egypt The dream Joseph explained to Pharaoh came true. After seven years of good crops the rains stopped and crops were poor. Everyone was hungry. When the people came to Pharaoh for food, he sent them to Joseph. Joseph had collected food in storehouses during the good years. Now he sold the storehouse food to the hungry people. Soon people from countries all around were coming to Joseph for food too. One day ten foreign travelers came to Joseph. They looked familiar. Suddenly he knew why. They were his brothers! What thoughts do you think went through Joseph’s mind as he saw his brothers again after all those years? Joseph’s brothers didn’t recognize him. And he didn’t tell them who he was. “Where are you from?” he asked them roughly. When they told him, he said, “You’re lying. You’re spies.” “No!” they said. “We’re all sons of one father. Only our youngest...

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Tags: testing science Joseph Genesis Egypt consequences


TODAY’S SPECIAL: Acts 18:1-4 TO CHEW ON: "And because he was a tentmaker as they were, he stayed and worked with them.” Acts 18:3 What do you want to be when you grow up – a musician? a pilot? a cook? an artist? a road builder? Could you do these things – and be a missionary too? Paul would say “yes.” He was a missionary, but when he needed money for rent and food he also had a job. He made tents. When the church in Corinth was small and there weren’t enough people to pay the salary of a full-time missionary pastor, Paul worked with his friends Priscilla and Aquilla at tent-making during the day. In his time off he worked for the church. "Paul worked as a tentmaker" Illustration by Annie Vallotton from the Good News Bible © American Bible Society 1976, 1992 We still use the word “tentmaker” to describe people who do a second job to support themselves while they work for God. These modern tentmakers don’t literally make tents. They do many jobs, from teaching English to nursing to engineering. They can often get into countries where pastors and missionaries aren’t allowed. Sometimes they work in places where the local...

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Tags: work Saul/Paul good news Acts

Temple Superstition

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Jeremiah 7:1-13 TO CHEW ON: "This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel says: Reform your ways and your actions, and I will let you live in this place. Do not trust in deceptive words and say, 'This is the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord!' " Jeremiah 7:3,4 People thronged to the temple after Josiah’s clean-up. Looking at the crowds in “church” you’d think that everything had changed in Judah. But for many people, once they were away from God’s house, nothing had changed. Crime and murder were common. Widows and orphans were ignored. Foreigners were mistreated. People thought that these things didn’t really matter. They thought Jerusalem would never be destroyed because the temple was there. They had a superstitious faith that the temple would save them no matter what they did. One day God told Jeremiah to stand at the entrance way of the temple. He was to give the worshipers this message from God: “Change the way you act. Don’t put your faith in the temple. Look at what happened to Shiloh where the ark used to sit. I will do the same thing to Jerusalem if you...

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Tags: trust temple prophecy Judah Jeremiah fear

Temple Cleaning

TODAY’S SPECIAL: 2 Chronicles 29:1-11 TO CHEW ON: "He brought in the priests and the Levites, assembled them in the square on the east side and said, 'Listen to me, Levites! Consecrate yourselves now and consecrate the temple of the Lord, the God of your fathers. Remove all defilement from the sanctuary.'” 2 Chronicles 29:4,5 What are you most likely to do when your room gets messy?- clean it up- nothingWhen Hezekiah, Uzziah’s great-grandson became Judah’s king, one of the first things he did was a clean-up job, even though the mess wasn’t in his room and it was a mess he hadn’t made. In the first month of his reign King Hezekiah called together the priests and Levites and told them to clean up the temple. The reasons for cleaning it up were more than that Hezekiah was a neat-freak. After thirty two years of being ruled by evil kings (his father Ahaz and his grandfather Jotham), Hezekiah knew there was a connection between worshiping God and having His blessing. He wanted God’s blessing more than anything. And so he told the priests and Levites to take everything that didn’t belong in the temple out so that they could again worship God...

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Tags: work temple project obedience Judah idols God’s word 2 Chronicles

Tempest in the Temple

TODAY’S SPECIAL: John 2: 13-17 TO CHEW ON: “...Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!” John 2:16 Jesus and His disciples went to the temple in Jerusalem for Passover. To celebrate the Passover, every worshiper had to offer an animal sacrifice and pay a tax. In Jesus’ time, the priests sold the sacrifice animals in the temple court (the outside section, like our lobby or foyer). They charged huge amounts of money for these birds and animals. They wouldn’t sacrifice any animals that weren’t bought from them. "Jesus clears the temple" - Artist unknown The tax had to be paid in temple coins. Money changers changed people’s everyday money into temple coins but they charged extra to make the exchange. Jesus was furious when He went into the temple and found the priests were more concerned about making money than worshiping God....

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Tags: temple sin John Jesus God’s holiness

Tears of Joy

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Genesis 46:28-34 TO CHEW ON: "Joseph had his chariot made ready and went to Goshen to meet his father Israel. As soon as Joseph appeared before him, he threw his arms around his father, and wept for a long time." Genesis 46:29 Have you ever been separated from people you love? Perhaps you spent a week at camp. Or your parents live apart and you get to see one of them only seldom. Or you moved far away from your grandparents. What feelings do you have when you’re about to meet them again: nervous, excited, like crying, like laughing, worried, impatient, scared, happy I’m sure Joseph was having some of those feelings while he waited for his father to arrive in Egypt. Finally the day arrived. Judah went ahead of the others. He found Joseph and said, “The whole family is here. Where do we go?” Joseph got in his chariot and rode out to meet his father. What did he do when he saw Israel?_______________________ (Genesis 46:29). We usually think of people crying when they are hurt or sad. But people also cry when they are happy. Getting back together with the people we love most, like family, is one time we easily cry tears...

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Tags: research joy Joseph Jacob Genesis Egypt


TODAY’S SPECIAL: Nehemiah 4:16-23 TO CHEW ON: "From that day on, half of my men did the work, while the other half were equipped with spears, shields, bows and armor. The officials posted themselves behind all the people of Judah who were building the wall." Nehemiah 4:16 The threats against the workers were real. But still Nehemiah didn’t stop work on the wall. “Now we really need to work together,” he told the people. He organized workers in shifts. While one half worked on construction, the other half stood guard. Because everyone was spread out on the wall, he made an alarm system. When people heard a trumpet blast, they should all go to where the trumpet was. The way Nehemiah organized the people to stay safe while they worked is a great example of teamwork. We too can get more done when we work as a team. If you are part of a sports team, you know how important it is for each person to play their position and do their part. The same is true in the things we do for God....

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Tags: work Nehemiah God’s plan game discussion

Talking Bush

TODAY'S SPECIAL: Exodus 2:23-3:12 TO CHEW ON: "And God said, 'I will be with you.'" Exodus 3:12a Moses got away from Pharaoh that day. He ran to the desert. There he lived with a nomad family. He lived with them for forty years. He tended sheep for the man, married one of the family’s daughters and had two sons. I wonder what he thought about during those lonely hours when he was tending sheep. Perhaps he wished that he had the day he killed the Egyptian to live over again. Maybe he felt bad because now he was sure he would never help his people like he wanted to. He may have thought his life had been wasted. Then one day while tending the sheep: - What strange thing did he see? 1] (Exodus 3:2) _________________- When he went to check it out, what did he hear? 2] (Exodus 3:4) ____________- What did God tell him to do? 3] (Exodus 3:5) ______________- Then what assignment did God give him? 4] (Exodus 3:10) ________- When Moses said he couldn’t do this job, God gave him a promise. Put the words of God’s promise (below) in the right order: 5] ____ ____ ____ ____ ___...

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Tags: worship puzzle Moses God’s presence God’s holiness God’s help Exodus Egypt

Taking Advice

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Exodus 18:13-27 TO CHEW ON: "Moses listened to his father-in-law and did everything he said." Exodus 18:24 One day Moses got some important visitors. His father-in-law Jethro brought Moses’ wife and two sons to be with him. They had a wonderful family reunion and Moses told them the incredible story of how God brought them out of Egypt The next day, Moses took Jethro to work with him. Continue telling the story by choosing the best ending: 1. Jethro saw that all day: (Exodus 18:13):a] Moses gathered manna.b] Moses made plans for traveling.c] Moses judged the people. 2. He said to Moses: (Exodus 18:17):a] “What you are doing is not good.”b] “The way you do this is brilliant.”c] “Why are you so lazy?” 3. Jethro had a better way for Moses to do all that judging. He told Moses, he should: (Exodus 18:20-22):a] let people decide things for themselves.b] train others to judge the easy cases and Moses would judge only the hard ones.c] scold the people for being so quarrelsome. "Jethro and Moses" by James Tissot 4. When Moses heard Jethro’s advice he: (Exodus 18:24)a] listened to it and did what Jethro said.b] argued with Jethro about why he really needed to judge everyone.c] was...

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Tags: wisdom Moses Exodus discussion choices advice

Take That Step

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Joshua 3:1-17 TO CHEW ON: “Now the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest. Yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water’s edge, the water from upstream stopped flowing. It piled up in a heap .... So the people crossed over opposite Jericho.” Joshua 3:15,16 Excitement filled the air. Today was the day! After living in the desert and in tents for forty years, walking miles in the heat, sleeping in the cold, eating only manna for as long as they could remember, the Israelites would enter Canaan, their new home. People made manna sandwiches and filled up water skins. They packed their clothes and tools, rolled up their tents and got in line. The priests who carried the ark led the way. But there was one HUGE – problem. In order to enter Canaan, they had to cross the Jordan River which was wide and fast-flowing. How would they do it? “Tell the priests to keep walking toward the river,” God told Joshua. When the priests were nearly at the water’s edge, God gave the next instruction. “Tell the priests to step in the river and stand there.” So even though the river...

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Tags: obedience miracles Joshua God’s timing fear faith

Surprising Appearance

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Acts 8:26-39 TO CHEW ON: "Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus." Acts 8:35 Imagine you are an African government official. You are living shortly after Jesus died. You believe in God. In fact your boss, Queen Candace of Ethiopia, has just given you time off to worship Him in Jerusalem. Now you are on your way home. You’re reading more about God from a scroll (a Bible-time book of Scriptures) called Isaiah. The trouble is, it doesn’t make sense. Suddenly a man appears beside your chariot. (But you’re on a desert road from Israel to North Africa. Where did he come from?) "The Ethiopian Converted" - by O.A. Stemler & B.B. Cleaveland, 1925 He asks you what you’re reading. When you tell him you don’t understand it, he joins you in the chariot and explains it all as you ride along. He tells you the good news about Jesus. He even shows you that Jesus was the one you were reading about in the scroll....

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Tags: prophecy miracles Isaiah God’s help baptize Acts


TODAY’S SPECIAL: Luke 1:1-25 TO CHEW ON: "Then an angel of the Lord appeared to him ... When Zechariah saw him, he was startled and was gripped with fear." Luke 1:11, 12 What do you want the very most in the world - a pet, a skateboard, a brother or sister, a friend? Zechariah and Elizabeth wanted a baby - a son. But they were old and no son had been born to them. They had given up hope. But God had other ideas. God was planning to answer their prayer.1. What surprise did He send to Zechariah in the temple? (Luke 1:11) _________ "The Vision of Zechariah" by James Tissot 1886-1896 2. What did the angel tell Zechariah? (Luke 1:13) ____________ 3. Zechariah found out some surprising things about the baby which would be born. Which statements are NOT true? (Luke 1:14-17) a. They were to name him Johnb. He was to drink only wine and fermented drink.c. He would be sickly.d. He would be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth.f. He would preach but people wouldn’t listen.g. He would prepare people for the Lord....

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Tags: visions true/false research prophecy promises Matthew God’s timing God’s plan

Surprise - good or bad?

TODAY’S SPECIAL: I Corinthians 15:51-58 TO CHEW ON: "Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed – in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed." I Corinthians 15:51-52 How do you feel about surprises? Most of us like surprises that are good – wrapped parcels at Christmas, a surprise party on our birthday, an unexpected visit from a friend. Someday there will be a surprise bigger than any Christmas or birthday. Jesus will return! The dead will be raised. We will transform into our new bodies. "The angels sound their trumpets" - Artist unknown Did you know this could happen at any time? It could happen today while you’re still alive (“We will not all sleep” means not everyone will die). Or it could happen at a time after you have died. If you have trusted Jesus for eternal life, His coming will be the most wonderful surprise ever. If you have not trusted Him - you still can (“Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts” Psalm 95: 7,8). Then you too...

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Tags: resurrection prophecy Jesus God’s timing God’s plan 1 Corinthians

Sure Success

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Nehemiah 2:11-20 TO CHEW ON: “The God of heaven will give us success . . .” Nehemiah 2:20a When Nehemiah got to Jerusalem he took a few days to rest. Then he gathered some men and went to look at the wall. As they circled the city, Nehemiah saw that it was every bit as bad as Hanani had described. What had once been sturdy walls were now piles of boulders and bricks. Where thick wooden gates had once protected the city, there were now only charred posts and empty spaces. He realized this would be a huge project. But he came back from exploring more determined than ever. With God’s help he would rebuild the wall!...

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Tags: work trust respect problems Nehemiah drawing

Strange Strategy

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Joshua 6:1-5 & 20 TO CHEW ON: "Then the Lord said to Joshua, 'See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men.' " Joshua 6:2 The first city the Israelites faced after they crossed the Jordan River was Jericho. It had walls, an army and a king. The Israelites were not trained soldiers. They had no armor to protect them. Their weapons were simple. How could they ever defeat Jericho and make this city their own? God gave Joshua a plan or strategy. His instructions are below, but they are all mixed up. Put them in the right order: (see Joshua 6:3-5) 1. The priests should blow a loud blast on the ram's horn and trumpet. 2. The people should march around the city once per day for six days. 3. The people should shout with a loud shout. 4. On the seventh day the people should march around the city seven times....

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Tags: obedience miracles Joshua God’s plan God’s help faith


TODAY’S SPECIAL: Acts 27:13-26 TO CHEW ON: "Before very long, a wind of hurricane force, called a 'Northeaster,' swept down from the island. The ship was caught by the storm and could not head into the wind; so we gave way to it and were driven along.” Acts 27:14,15 At last Paul was getting his wish. He was on his way to Rome to appear before Caesar. Perhaps he was hopeful Caesar would rule that all the accusations the Jewish leaders had made against him were false. "Paul heads to Rome" - Johann C. Weigel, 1695 Much of the trip had to be made by ship. The first part of Paul's voyage was smooth....

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Tags: weather trust storytelling Saul/Paul Psalms problems God’s help God’s care Acts

Steps Downward

TODAY’S SPECIAL: 1 Kings 11:1-11 TO CHEW ON: "Although he had forbidden Solomon to follow other gods, Solomon did not keep the Lord’s command. So the Lord said to Solomon, 'Since this is your attitude and you have not kept my covenant and my decrees which I commanded you, I will most certainly tear the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your subordinates.'” 1 Kings 11:10,11 Solomon was known as the wisest man who ever lived. God came into the temple Solomon built. He talked to Solomon. He promised to make him wise and to keep his family the ruling family. But in order for that to happen, Solomon was to worship only God. As Solomon’s power and fame grew, he began doing what many kings did and marrying many wives. He married over seven hundred princesses from other countries to help him get along with the nations around him. He married three hundred more women because they were beautiful and he liked them....

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Tags: worship Solomon sin consequences 1 Kings

Stealing From God

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Malachi 3:6-12 TO CHEW ON: “'You are under a curse – the whole nation of you – because you are robbing me. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,' says the Lord Almighty, 'and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.'” Malachi 3:9,10 “You are robbing God!” Malachi’s words got the peoples’ attention. But how could he say that? They weren’t stealing from the temple. “You are stealing from God by keeping the tithe for yourselves instead of giving it to Him,” Malachi explained. A tithe is one tenth. Years earlier God had commanded the people to give one tenth of what they earned and grew (their harvest and their herds of animals) to God. They were to do this whether they were rich or poor and whether times were good or bad. Giving to God in this way showed that they trusted God to supply what they needed. It was also a way of saying thank you for all He had given them. And when they did this, miraculously they...

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Tags: trust prophecy obedience Malachi God’s care giving generosity

Speech Problems

TODAY’S SPECIAL:Proverbs 10:18-21, 31-32 TO CHEW ON: The lips of the righteous know what finds favor, but the mouth of the wicked only what is perverse. Proverbs 10:32 Solomon wrote many proverbs about speech. He knew that no matter how beautiful a person was, or how much money they had, or what kind of home they lived in, their speech showed what they were really like. It showed whether they were good or bad, righteous or evil, wise or foolish. All these years later, things haven’t changed. Our speech still shows what is in our hearts and minds. It tells the world around us whether we are wise (have good sense, good judgment and understanding) or foolish (lack good sense, good judgment and understanding). Below (1-6) are some of Solomon’s proverbs about speech from Proverbs 10. Pick the way you’d say each proverb in today’s language (A to F). For example, Number 1 (Whoever spreads slander is a fool) would match with C (Hurting someone with lies and gossip is foolish). 1. Whoever spreads slander is a fool. 2. When words are many, sin is not absent. 3. He who holds his tongue is wise. 4. The tongue of the righteous is choice silver. 5. The lips of the righteous...

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Tags: wisdom speech Solomon Proverbs craft

Special Delivery

TODAY’S SPECIAL: 1 Kings 17:1-6 TO CHEW ON: “Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.” 1 Kings 17:3,4 After Jeroboam died his son was king for two years. Then, like the prophet had predicted, Jeroboam’s family was completely wiped out and another man, Baasha, took the throne. In the forty years that followed, Baasha and three more kings ruled, each one more wicked than the last. Finally Ahab became king. He not only copied the evil of past kings but he also married a very evil woman, Jezebel. She brought with her a whole new set of Baal idols. At this time God gave a prophet named Elijah a message for Ahab. So Elijah went to the palace, got an appointment with the king and told him, “This is what the God of Israel, whom I serve, told me to tell you. There will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years, except at my word.” Then he left. True to what Elijah said, all dew and rain stopped. It got drier and drier. Soon the situation...

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Tags: Israel God’s care Elijah 1 Kings

Special Assignment

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Luke 1:26-38 TO CHEW ON: "The angel went to her and said, 'Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.'” Luke 1:28 Has anyone ever told you that you’re special? Perhaps your teacher singled you out as the person who did a great job of the project. Maybe your parents were surprised at how thoroughly you cleaned your room. Your friends may say things like, “I love being with you, because you make me laugh.” Imagine getting such a message from God! That’s what happened to Mary. He sent an angel to her. The angel told her she was highly favored. Then the angel told her about an assignment that God had just for her. "The Annunciation" by James Tissot - 1886 - 1896 She would have a special baby. She was to name Him Jesus. He would be called the Son of the Most High because God would be the baby’s father. He would be a king of the family of David. He would reign forever. Mary was puzzled. She wasn’t even married. “How will this happen?” she asked. “God’s power will bring it about,” the angel told her. "I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as...

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Tags: obedience Luke Jesus God’s plan angels

Special Favor

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Esther 2:12-18 TO CHEW ON: "Now the king was attracted to Esther more than to any of the other women, and she won his favor and approval more than any of the other virgins. So he set a royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti." Esther 2:17 Esther gathered the few possessions she was planning to take with her. She said goodbye to Hegai and all her friends in the harem. This was the night she would go to the king. She would never come back to live here again. For after this night, the king would either choose her as his new queen or she would be sent to live in another part of the palace. Even though this night was the most important night in her life, Esther kept things simple. Though she could have taken anything she wanted from the harem to impress the king, she didn’t do that. Instead she took only what Hegai suggested. But when Xerxes saw her, he was charmed with her natural beauty. In fact she pleased him more than any other woman. The king liked Esther so much, he named her his new queen....

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Tags: trust research God’s timing God’s plan Esther

Soap and Fire

TODAY’S SPECIAL: Malachi 3:1-5 TO CHEW ON: "But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? for he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap. He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver." Malachi 3:2,3a "Malachi" by J. James Tissot Ezra’s revival soon cooled. The joy of being back in Jerusalem evaporated. Life was hard for the exiles. They didn’t get rich quickly, as some had thought they would. Many felt disappointed with God. Their disappointment showed in the way they no longer respected Him. Instead they lived to please themselves. No longer did the Levites teach the truth. Men divorced their aging wives and married beautiful young foreign women to take their places. People lied, cheated workers out of wages and were mean to immigrants. That’s when the prophet Malachi came on the scene. “God will return to His temple one day,” he said. “He will come suddenly and purify His people, like soap washes clothes clean or a searing fire burns impurities out of gold and silver.”...

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Tags: selfishness research repent Malachi God’s character consequences

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